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Why You Should Finally Get LASIK

Why You Should Finally Get LASIK

There’s a good reason why more than 10 million people in the United States have opted for LASIK surgery — it’s a highly effective procedure that can improve your vision and eliminate your need for corrective lenses.

If you’re on the fence as to whether or not you should have LASIK surgery, Dr. Curtis Frank and the team here at Vision and Ortho-K Center want to outline a few of the advantages of this highly effective vision-correction technique.

LASIK leads to satisfaction

You constantly lose your glasses, or your contact lenses are irritating your eyes during allergy season. There are many reasons why people seek to ditch corrective lenses through LASIK surgery, but the one thing that most have in common afterward is satisfaction with the results. In fact, LASIK boasts an incredibly impressive 96% satisfaction rate.

LASIK corrects many vision issues

People turn to LASIK for a wide range of vision issues, including the three main concerns:

  1. Myopia, or nearsightedness
  2. Hyperopia, or farsightedness
  3. Astigmatism

During LASIK, the surgeon reshapes your cornea in a way that can address each of these concerns. While LASIK results can vary, in most cases, people achieve 20/20 vision after LASIK. 

LASIK is quick and easy

While we may call it LASIK “surgery,” the procedure is quite quick and easy. Each eye takes only about 15 minutes and, once the procedure is complete, you’re free to go home.

LASIK is painless

Most people report that the LASIK procedure itself is painless. You may feel some discomfort (some minor burning or itching) during the first 24 hours after your LASIK procedure, but many people report no side effects.

LASIK results are fast

After your LASIK procedure, you’ll likely realize immediate results with continued improvement over the next several days as your eyes stabilize and adjust. There are cases in which results are delayed, but these are uncommon.

LASIK results are long term

Most people report great long-term results with LASIK. Of course, age may catch up with you and force you into reading glasses down the road, but LASIK can provide you with great vision until then.

Getting LASIK

If you’d like to explore whether you’re a good candidate for LASIK surgery, our team provides LASIK consultation services. When you come in, we evaluate your vision problem, as well as any health concerns, and advise you as to whether LASIK is right for you. If so, we refer you to a LASIK surgeon and can provide care before and after your procedure.

There are some instances in which you may not be a candidate, such as if you’re pregnant or you have a pre-existing autoimmune disorder, and we review these during your consultation.

To get started on your journey toward better vision, contact our office in Boston, Massachusetts, to set up an appointment.

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